from the Artist


Arches National Park, October 2020.

Wow where to begin…

I guess with welcome!! Launching a website has been a true labor of love. There were days when I brainstormed, sketched, designed and edited for 12 hours straight. There were also weeks where I could do nothing at all. Ultimately, the moments depicted in my photographs and the stories behind them are what drove this site to completion.

I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures, but it wasn’t until I moved to Europe and began to travel that I really fell in love with photography. Capturing moments around the world became something unbelievably thrilling and even more rewarding. I was constantly in awe of the people and places around me.

For the first 20-ish years of my life, I lived in a tiny bubble. I was someone too afraid to do anything alone. Venturing toward the border of my comfort zone terrified me— truthfully, I never believed I could. Once I found the courage to step outside of it, I discovered what I consider to be the very best part of myself.

I was astonished by what the world had to offer. I was even more amazed that I was, in fact, able to explore it by myself— that I could to do almost anything by myself. It was then that I started documenting what I saw and experienced. Taking photographs became a way to remind myself of how much I’d grown while celebrating our world and learning about the many things that make it beautiful.

This collection of photographs is one of the many wonderful outcomes of that leap of faith. I’m extraordinarily proud of them. I’m also extraordinarily proud of myself, something we should all be able to say more often but sadly, rarely do.

Here’s to many more moments of discovery, growth, celebration and love.

I’m excited to share it all with you!!

- L


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